PHP 面向对象基础:封装性 protected 2 个改进


class MyTest
   protected $a = 'protected';

    // 受保护方法
    public function printProtected()
        echo "Called protected funtion" . "<br />";


    // 类自身调用受保护属性与方法
    public function printEverything()
        echo $this->a . " | ";


$test = new MyTest();
echo $test->a . "<br />";
// Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property MyTest::$a
// Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to protected method MyTest::printProtected()
// 类自身可以调用
$test->printEverything();  // protected | Called protected funtion


class Test extends MyTest
    public function printProtected()
        // 调用父类受保护属性和方法
        echo $this->a . " | ";

$obj = new Test();
$obj->printProtected();  // protected | Called protected funtion


class OtherTest extends MyTest
    public function printProtected()
        // 调用子类受保护属性和方法
        $anotherTest = new AnotherTest();
        echo $anotherTest->b . ' | ';
        echo $anotherTest->callProtected();

class AnotherTest extends OtherTest
    protected $b = 'protected of child';
    protected function callProtected()
        echo 'Called protected function in child class';

$test = new OtherTest();
$test->printProtected();  // protected of child | Called protected function in child class
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讨论数量: 1
class MyTest
   protected $a = 'protected';

    // 受保护方法
    public function printProtected() //** 这里的public是不是该改成 protected?**//
        echo "Called protected funtion" . "<br />";


    // 类自身调用受保护属性与方法
    public function printEverything()
        echo $this->a . " | ";
1年前 评论
