

UserWarning: You are running a VERY old version of tkinter 8.5.9. You cannot use PNG formatted images for example. Please upgrade to 8.6.x
warnings.warn(‘You are running a VERY old version of tkinter {}. You cannot use PNG formatted images for example. Please upgrade to 8.6.x’.format(tclversion_detailed), UserWarning)
Mac OS Version is 13.0 and patch enabled so applying the patch
Applyting Mac OS 12.3+ Alpha Channel fix. Your default Alpha Channel is now 0.99


Download and Install Python from python.org

Refer www.python.org/downloads/macos/

My sugestion is python 3.8.10 which is with tkinter 8.6.9. For version greater than it, all with tkinter 8.6.12 which maybe not work well, like Python 3.9/3.10/3.11

1年前 评论
laravel_v (楼主) 1年前
讨论数量: 2

Download and Install Python from python.org

Refer www.python.org/downloads/macos/

My sugestion is python 3.8.10 which is with tkinter 8.6.9. For version greater than it, all with tkinter 8.6.12 which maybe not work well, like Python 3.9/3.10/3.11

1年前 评论
laravel_v (楼主) 1年前
