
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.LabelFrame(root, text=’分析区’, font=(‘宋体’, 10), fg=’red’, labelanchor=’n’, bd=1, height=140, width=600,
frame.pack(side=’left’, pady=2, padx=2)
fram1 = tk.Frame(frame, width=20, height=20)

mark = [str(i) for i in range(1, 21)]
table = ttk.Treeview(frame, columns=mark, height=5, style=’Treeview’, show=’headings’)

for j in range(len(mark)):
table.heading(column=mark[j], text=mark[j], anchor=’center’)
table.column(j, minwidth=0, width=28, anchor=’center’, stretch=tk.NO)



Column identifiers take any of the following forms:

  • A symbolic name from the list of -columns.
  • An integer n, specifying the nth data column.
  • A string of the form #n, where n is an integer, specifying the nth display column.

column #0 always refers to the tree column.

The cid for method Column should be the mark[j], j+1 or f'#{j+1}', not j.

It means that you didn’t set the width for column '20', and the default width is 200 pixels, so the treeview will exceed the visible range of FRAME.

for j in range(len(mark)):
    table.heading(column=mark[j], text=mark[j], anchor='center')
    table.column(mark[j], minwidth=0, width=28, anchor='center', stretch=tk.NO)

Of course, you can remove the option `width=600` from the `frame`, also the statement `frame.pack_propagate(0)`.

1年前 评论
LiTtianS (楼主) 1年前
讨论数量: 2

Column identifiers take any of the following forms:

  • A symbolic name from the list of -columns.
  • An integer n, specifying the nth data column.
  • A string of the form #n, where n is an integer, specifying the nth display column.

column #0 always refers to the tree column.

The cid for method Column should be the mark[j], j+1 or f'#{j+1}', not j.

It means that you didn’t set the width for column '20', and the default width is 200 pixels, so the treeview will exceed the visible range of FRAME.

for j in range(len(mark)):
    table.heading(column=mark[j], text=mark[j], anchor='center')
    table.column(mark[j], minwidth=0, width=28, anchor='center', stretch=tk.NO)

Of course, you can remove the option `width=600` from the `frame`, also the statement `frame.pack_propagate(0)`.

1年前 评论
LiTtianS (楼主) 1年前
