
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

def center(main, width, height):
    screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
    screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
    right_x = (screen_width - width)//2
    right_y = (screen_height - height) //2

root = tk.Tk()
center(root, 600, 400)

tree = ttk.Treeview(root, show='tree')
parent1 = tree.insert('', 0, '广东', text='广东省', values=['1'])
tree.insert(parent1, 0, '广州', text='广东省广州市-0001', values=['2'])
tree.insert(parent1, 1, '深圳', text='广东省深圳市-0002', values=['3'])
parent1 = tree.insert('', 1, '福建', text='福建省', values=['4'])
tree.insert(parent1, 0, '漳州', text='福建省漳州市-0011', values=['5'])
tree.insert(parent1, 1, '厦门', text='福建省厦门市-0012', values=['6'])
tree.pack(fill='both', expand=True)


How to change color in a spesific cell in ttk treeview ?

You cannot change the color of a specific cell in the Treeview widget. Formatting can only be applied to entire rows. Colors can only be applied with tags, and tags can only be applied to an item as a whole, not a part of an item.

5个月前 评论
讨论数量: 1

How to change color in a spesific cell in ttk treeview ?

You cannot change the color of a specific cell in the Treeview widget. Formatting can only be applied to entire rows. Colors can only be applied with tags, and tags can only be applied to an item as a whole, not a part of an item.

5个月前 评论
