遇到 MySQL 8.0.11 的一些坑
1、Authentication type:
用户的 Authentication type
默认为 caching_sha2_password
,导致数据库连接错误,抛出如下异常:Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
解决方案:修改密码认证方式ALTER USER 'YOURUSERNAME'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'YOURPASSWORD';
在 5.7.*的日志中提到已废除该模式,在8.0.11中删除了,迁移时会抛出如下异常:Illuminate\Database\QueryException : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1231 Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER'
解决方案:将 config/database.php
配置文件中mysql 的 strict
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Incompatible Change: These deprecated compatibility SQL modes have been removed: DB2, MAXDB, MSSQL, MYSQL323, MYSQL40, ORACLE, POSTGRESQL, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, NO_TABLE_OPTIONS. They can no longer be assigned to the sql_mode system variable or used as permitted values for the mysqldump --compatible option.
Removal of MAXDB means that the TIMESTAMP data type for CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE is no longer treated as DATETIME.
For MySQL 5.7 applications that use SQL modes removed in MySQL 8.0, statements may fail when replicated from a MySQL 5.7 master to a MySQL 8.0 slave, or may have different effects on master and slave. To avoid such problems, applications that use modes removed in MySQL 8.0 should be revised to avoid them.
The following features related to account management have been removed:
Using GRANT to create users. Instead, use CREATE USER. Following this practice makes the NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL mode immaterial for GRANT statements, so it too is removed.
Using GRANT to modify account properties other than privilege assignments. This includes authentication, SSL, and resource-limit properties. Instead, establish such properties at account-creation time with CREATE USER or modify them afterward with ALTER USER.
IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'hash_string' syntax for CREATE USER and GRANT. Instead, use IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin AS 'hash_string' for CREATE USER and ALTER USER, where the 'hash_string' value is in a format compatible with the named plugin.
Additionally, because IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD syntax has been removed, the log_builtin_as_identified_by_password system variable is superfluous and has been removed.
The PASSWORD() function. Additionally, PASSWORD() removal means that SET PASSWORD ... = PASSWORD('auth_string') syntax is no longer available.
The old_passwords system variable.
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全遇上了.jpg :+1:
本人刚开始学习MySQL和php 我也遇到了这两个问题 :+1:。
但是第二个问题,我没有找到config/database.php这个文件,我是从官网下载的mysql 8.0.11 x64 windows版本,免安装的。还请帮忙前辈指导一下。
@sunny-w Laravel 什么版本?
。。。 今天刚好碰到这个两个问题,解决方法也是如此
@某某某 我这个只是针对用户设置的,不是全局使用mysql_native_password
Storage engine 'MyISAM' does not support system tables. [mysql.user]
两种问题都遇到了,但是都没解决问题 依然连不上 客户端可以连接上,没有修改身份验证模式的时候 laravel可以连接,客户端不行,修改该后 客户端可以 laravel 不行。
@redrain 解决了可以在下面说明一下解决方案
老哥厉害,我用 laradock ,自带的 mysql 是最新的,搞了一天了,google 也找不到解决方案,已经打算降版本试试了。在老哥这本来不抱希望的,结果解决了。
ReflectionException (-1)
Class setEventDispatcher does not exist
老哥之前的项目根据你的教程已经可以run起来,不过有一个新的项目却一直报错找不到setEventDispatcher php7.3 mysql8.0 您有遇到过吗,google找了好久
如果使用的是docker 启动mysql 的容器,用docker-composer文件启动的话,加入这行 command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password,就不用去数据库里改。
@Mortence 请问你是怎么改的呢?请赐教