「转」Laravel 依赖注入原理(详细注释)
众所周知 Laravel 的文档对于依赖注入只写了如何使用,相信大多数人对于他的实现原理并不太清楚。虽然使用过程中并不需要关心她的原理,但是了解原理让你使用起来更自信。这个帖子就通过一个小 demo 来简述实现原理,demo 如下,该 demo 可直接运行:
本文只是为了转载好文, 原文在此
namespace Database;
use ReflectionMethod;
class Database
protected $adapter;
public function __construct()
public function test(MysqlAdapter $adapter)
class MysqlAdapter
public function test()
echo "i am MysqlAdapter test";
class app
public static function run($instance, $method)
if (!method_exists($instance, $method)) {
return null;
//ReflectionMethod::__construct — Constructs a ReflectionMethod
$reflector = new ReflectionMethod($instance, $method);
//The ReflectionMethod class reports information about a method. See here:
// http://php.net/manual/en/class.reflectionmethod.php
//preset an array which can be empty or not.
$parameters = [];
//ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getParameters — Gets parameters
//Get the parameters as an array of ReflectionParameter.
//The ReflectionParameter class retrieves information about function's or method's parameters.
//See here: http://php.net/manual/en/class.reflectionparameter.php
foreach ($reflector->getParameters() as $key => $parameter) {
//ReflectionParameter::getClass — Get the type hinted class.
$class = $parameter->getClass();
if ($class) {
//array_splice — Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else.
//If length is specified and is zero, no elements will be removed(That is insert!)
array_splice($parameters, $key, 0, [
new $class->name()
//call_user_func_array — Call a callback with an array of parameters
//So the code below is to invoke \Database\Database::test with a \Database\MysqlAdapter instance parameter.
], $parameters);
app::run(new Database(), 'test');
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