Laravel 重度使用者,如何给 Lumen 添加便捷的命令操作

昨天无意间打开了lumen于是乎安装并使用,作为laravel重度使用者习惯性的使用php artisan make:命令行创建各种文件,发现没有该命令,于是今天它来了。
Lumen Generator


composer require james.xue/lumen-generator --dev

Inside your bootstrap/app.php file, add:



command description
php artisan env Display the current framework environment
php artisan make:command name Create a new command file
php artisan make:controller name Create a new controller file
php artisan make:event name Create a new event file
php artisan make:exception name || php artisan make:exception name -r Create a new custom exception class
php artisan make:factory Create a new model factory
php artisan make:jon name Create a new jon file
php artisan make:listener name || php artisan make:listener name -event EventName Create a new listener file
php artisan make:middleware name Create a new middleware file
php artisan make:model name Create a new model file
php artisan make:observer name || php artisan make:observer name -model ModelName Create a new observer file
php artisan make:provider Create a new service provider class
php artisan make:request name Create a new request file
php artisan make:rule name Create a new validation rule
php artisan event:generate Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration
php artisan key:generate Set the application key
php artisan storage:link Create a symbolic link from "public/storage" to "storage/app/public
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不要轻易放弃。学习成长的路上,我们长路漫漫,只因学无止境 Don't give up easily. On the way of learning and growing up, we have a long way to go, just because there is no end to learning.
《L03 构架 API 服务器》
你将学到如 RESTFul 设计风格、PostMan 的使用、OAuth 流程,JWT 概念及使用 和 API 开发相关的进阶知识。
《L01 基础入门》
我们将带你从零开发一个项目并部署到线上,本课程教授 Web 开发中专业、实用的技能,如 Git 工作流、Laravel Mix 前端工作流等。
讨论数量: 1

装着装着,发现...变成了 Laravel

4年前 评论
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vinhson (楼主) 4年前
