laravel model自定义软删除字段
公司项目新版本开发,在讨论表结构修改的时候需要问题。laravel 默认的软删除字段deleted_at 默认值为null ,就让修改成默认值不为null。从网上搜了一些解决方案之后,自己整理了下。
namespace App\Utils;
* @method static static|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder| \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder withTrashed(bool $withTrashed = true)
* @method static static|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder| \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder onlyTrashed()
* @method static static|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder| \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder withoutTrashed()
trait SoftDeletes
* Indicates if the model is currently force deleting.
* @var bool
protected $forceDeleting = false;
* Boot the soft deleting trait for a model.
* @return void
public static function bootSoftDeletes()
static::addGlobalScope(new SoftDeletingScope);
* Initialize the soft deleting trait for an instance.
* @return void
public function initializeSoftDeletes()
if (! isset($this->casts[$this->getDeletedAtColumn()])) {
$this->casts[$this->getDeletedAtColumn()] = 'datetime';
* Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model.
* @return bool|null
public function forceDelete()
$this->forceDeleting = true;
return tap($this->delete(), function ($deleted) {
$this->forceDeleting = false;
if ($deleted) {
$this->fireModelEvent('forceDeleted', false);
* Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.
* @return mixed
protected function performDeleteOnModel()
return $this->runSoftDelete();
* Perform the actual delete query on this model instance.
* @return void
protected function runSoftDelete()
$query = $this->newModelQuery()->where($this->getKeyName(), $this->getKey());
$columns = [$this->getDeletedAtColumn() => time()];
if ($query->update($columns)) {
* Restore a soft-deleted model instance.
* 恢复软删除
* @return bool|null
public function restore()
// If the restoring event does not return false, we will proceed with this
// restore operation. Otherwise, we bail out so the developer will stop
// the restore totally. We will clear the deleted timestamp and save.
if ($this->fireModelEvent('restoring') === false) {
return false;
$this->{$this->getDeletedAtColumn()} = 0;
// Once we have saved the model, we will fire the "restored" event so this
// developer will do anything they need to after a restore operation is
// totally finished. Then we will return the result of the save call.
$this->exists = true;
$result = $this->save();
$this->fireModelEvent('restored', false);
return $result;
* Determine if the model instance has been soft-deleted.
* 测试是否被软删除
* @return bool
public function trashed()
// return ! is_null($this->{$this->getDeletedAtColumn()});
return ! $this->{$this->getDeletedAtColumn()} == 0;
* Register a "softDeleted" model event callback with the dispatcher.
* @param \Closure|string $callback
* @return void
public static function softDeleted($callback)
static::registerModelEvent('trashed', $callback);
* Register a "restoring" model event callback with the dispatcher.
* @param \Closure|string $callback
* @return void
public static function restoring($callback)
static::registerModelEvent('restoring', $callback);
* Register a "restored" model event callback with the dispatcher.
* @param \Closure|string $callback
* @return void
public static function restored($callback)
static::registerModelEvent('restored', $callback);
* Register a "forceDeleted" model event callback with the dispatcher.
* @param \Closure|string $callback
* @return void
public static function forceDeleted($callback)
static::registerModelEvent('forceDeleted', $callback);
* Determine if the model is currently force deleting.
* @return bool
public function isForceDeleting()
return $this->forceDeleting;
* Get the name of the "deleted at" column.
* 返回软删除的标记字段
* @return string
public function getDeletedAtColumn()
return 'deleted';
* Get the fully qualified "deleted at" column.
* 获取删除字段名称,qualifyColumn会只能补充表的名称
* @return string
public function getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn()
return $this->qualifyColumn($this->getDeletedAtColumn());
namespace App\Utils;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class SoftDeletingScope implements Scope
* All of the extensions to be added to the builder.
* @var string[]
protected $extensions = ['Restore', 'WithTrashed', 'WithoutTrashed', 'OnlyTrashed'];
* 把约束加到 Eloquent 查询构造中.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
* @return void
public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model)
$builder->where($model->getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn(), 0);
// $builder->where($model->getTable().'.deleted', '=', 0);
* Extend the query builder with the needed functions.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @return void
public function extend(Builder $builder)
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
$builder->onDelete(function (Builder $builder) {
$column = $this->getDeletedAtColumn($builder);
return $builder->update([
$column => $builder->getModel()->freshTimestampString(),
* Get the "deleted at" column for the builder.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @return string
protected function getDeletedAtColumn(Builder $builder)
if (count((array) $builder->getQuery()->joins) > 0) {
return $builder->getModel()->getQualifiedDeletedAtColumn();
return $builder->getModel()->getDeletedAtColumn();
* Add the restore extension to the builder.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @return void
protected function addRestore(Builder $builder)
$builder->macro('restore', function (Builder $builder) {
return $builder->update([$builder->getModel()->getDeletedAtColumn() => null]);
* Add the with-trashed extension to the builder.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @return void
protected function addWithTrashed(Builder $builder)
$builder->macro('withTrashed', function (Builder $builder, $withTrashed = true) {
if (! $withTrashed) {
return $builder->withoutTrashed();
return $builder->withoutGlobalScope($this);
* Add the without-trashed extension to the builder.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @return void
protected function addWithoutTrashed(Builder $builder)
$builder->macro('withoutTrashed', function (Builder $builder) {
$model = $builder->getModel();
return $builder;
* Add the only-trashed extension to the builder.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* @return void
protected function addOnlyTrashed(Builder $builder)
$builder->macro('onlyTrashed', function (Builder $builder) {
$model = $builder->getModel();
return $builder;
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
class Test extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
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