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structs github url




go get github.com/fatih/structs

usage examples

1. 基础用法

type Server struct {
    Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    ID          int
    Enabled     bool
    users       []string // not exported
    http.Server          // embedded

server := &Server{
    Name:    "gopher",
    ID:      123456,
    Enabled: true,
// Convert a struct to a map[string]interface{}
// => {"Name":"gopher", "ID":123456, "Enabled":true}
m := structs.Map(server)

// Convert the values of a struct to a []interface{}
// => ["gopher", 123456, true]
v := structs.Values(server)

// Convert the names of a struct to a []string
// (see "Names methods" for more info about fields)
n := structs.Names(server)

// Convert the values of a struct to a []*Field
// (see "Field methods" for more info about fields)
f := structs.Fields(server)

// Return the struct name => "Server"
n := structs.Name(server)

// Check if any field of a struct is initialized or not.
h := structs.HasZero(server)

// Check if all fields of a struct is initialized or not.
z := structs.IsZero(server)

// Check if server is a struct or a pointer to struct
i := structs.IsStruct(server)

2. struct methods

// Create a new struct type:
s := structs.New(server)

m := s.Map()              // Get a map[string]interface{}
v := s.Values()           // Get a []interface{}
f := s.Fields()           // Get a []*Field
n := s.Names()            // Get a []string
f := s.Field(name)        // Get a *Field based on the given field name
f, ok := s.FieldOk(name)  // Get a *Field based on the given field name
n := s.Name()             // Get the struct name
h := s.HasZero()          // Check if any field is uninitialized
z := s.IsZero()           // Check if all fields are uninitialized

3. field methods

s := structs.New(server)

// Get the Field struct for the "Name" field
name := s.Field("Name")

// Get the underlying value,  value => "gopher"
value := name.Value().(string)

// Set the field's value
name.Set("another gopher")

// Get the field's kind, kind =>  "string"

// Check if the field is exported or not
if name.IsExported() {
    fmt.Println("Name field is exported")

// Check if the value is a zero value, such as "" for string, 0 for int
if !name.IsZero() {
    fmt.Println("Name is initialized")

// Check if the field is an anonymous (embedded) field
if !name.IsEmbedded() {
    fmt.Println("Name is not an embedded field")

// Get the Field's tag value for tag name "json", tag value => "name,omitempty"
tagValue := name.Tag("json")


addrField := s.Field("Server").Field("Addr")

// Get the value for addr
a := addrField.Value().(string)

// Or get all fields
httpServer := s.Field("Server").Fields()


s := structs.New(server)

for _, f := range s.Fields() {
    fmt.Printf("field name: %+v\n", f.Name())

    if f.IsExported() {
        fmt.Printf("value   : %+v\n", f.Value())
        fmt.Printf("is zero : %+v\n", f.IsZero())
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