在 Laravel 中编写简洁的代码的策略
In this thread I’ll list tactics you can use to write cleaner code in Laravel. As you use them repeatedly, you’ll develop a sense for what’s good code and what’s bad code. I’ll also sprinkle some general Laravel code advice in between these tactics.
在本主题中,我将列出可用于在 Laravel 中编写更简洁代码的策略。 当您反复使用它们时,您将对什么是好的代码和什么是坏的代码产生一种感觉。 我还将在这些策略之间添加一些通用的 Laravel 代码建议。
It’s about the micro.
Using some “macro” philosophy for structuring your code, like hexagonal architecture or DDD won’t save you.
A clean codebase is the result of constant good decisions at the micro level.
这是关于 micro。
使用一些 micro
哲学来构建你的代码,比如使用六边形架构或 DDD 不会拯救你。
本作品采用《CC 协议》,转载必须注明作者和本文链接
else if
语句,而是使用数组根据您拥有的键查找所需的值。代码将更清晰且更具可读性,如果出现问题,您将看到可以理解的异常。 没有半途而废的边缘情况。
控制器应该很简单,它们应该说 “为订单创建发票” 之类的东西。它们不应该关心数据库的结构细节。
但要小心 – 隐藏东西。当您的验证逻辑很简单时,在控制器中执行它没有任何问题,但其移至表单请求使其不那么明确。
好处是创建这些模型在任何地方(控制器、作业等)都一样工作,并且控制器不必担心 DB 模型的细节。
:bulb:用一个周末来学习正确的 OOP。
了解 静态、实例方法和变量与私有、受保护的、公开可见性之间的区别。还可以了解 Laravel 如何使用魔术方法。
这将之前的推文与此处的其他提示联系起来。OOP 的存在是为了是您的代码更具有可读性,请使用它。不要在控制器中编写 400 行长的程序代码。
这是我第一个 Laravel 项目的代码。
阅读诸如 SRP 之类的内容并在 合理 的范围内遵循它们
创建自定义集合是实现更具表现力的语法的好方法。 考虑这个带有订单总数的例子。
不要认为长变量/方法名称是错误的。 他们不是。 他们富有表现力。
与变量相同。 不要使用无意义的 3 个字母缩写
与其思考“这个对象能做什么”,不如想想“这个对象能做什么”。 例外情况适用,例如操作类,但这是一个很好的经验法则。
考虑使用特征。 它们主要用于代码重用,但一次性使用特征并没有错
包括。Similar to single-use traits.
Import namespaces instead of using aliases
Sometimes you may have multiple classes with the same name. Rather than importing them with an alias, import the namespaces.
Create query scopes for complex where()s.
Rather than writing complex where() clauses, create query scopes with expressive names.
This will make your e.g. controllers have to know less about the database structure and your code will be cleaner.
Don’t use model methods to retrieve data
If you want to retrieve some data from a model, create an accessor.
Keep methods for things that change the model in some way.
Use custom config files.
You can store things like “results per page” in config files. Don’t add them to the app config file though. Create your own. In my e-commerce project, I use config/shop.php.
Don't use a controller namespace
Instead of writing controller actions like PostController@index, use the callable array syntax [PostController::class, 'index'].
You will be able to navigate to the class by clicking PostController.
Consider single-action controllers
If you have a complex route action, consider moving it to a separate controller.
For OrderController::create, you'd create CreateOrderController.
Another solution is to move that logic to an action class — do what works best in your case.
Be friends with your IDE.
Install extensions, write annotations, use typehints. Your IDE will help you with getting your code working correctly, which lets you spend more energy on writing code that's also readable.
Use short operators.
PHP has many great operators that can replace ugly if checks. Memorize them.
Decide if you like spaces around operators.
Above you can see that I use space between ! and the value I'm negating. I like this, because it makes it clear that the value is being negated. I do the same around dots.
Decide if you like it. It can (imo) clean up your code.
Consider using helpers instead of facades. They can clean things up.
This is largely a matter of personal preference, but calling a global function instead of having to import a class and statically call a method feels nicer to me.
Bonus points for session('key') syntax.
Create custom Blade directives for business logic.
You can make your Blade templates more expressive by creating custom directives. For example, rather than checking if the user has the admin role, you could use @admin
Avoid queries in Blade when possible
Sometimes you may want to execute DB queries in blade. There are some ok use cases for this, such as in layout files.
But if it's a view returned by a controller, pass the data in the view data instead.
Use strict comparison.
ALWAYS use strict comparison (=== and !==). If needed, cast things go the correct type before comparing. Better than weird == results
Also consider enabling strict types in your code. This will prevent passing variables of wrong data types to functions
Use docblocks only when they clarify things.
Many people will disagree with this, because they do it. But it makes no sense.
There's no point in using docblocks when they don't give any extra information. If the typehint is enough, don't add a docblock.
That's just noise.
Have a single source of truth for validation rules.
If you validate some resource's attributes on multiple places, you definitely want to centralize these validation rules, so that you don't change them in one place but forget about the other places.
Use collections when they can clean up your code.
Don't turn all arrays into collections just because Laravel offers them, but DO turn arrays into collections when you can make use of collection syntax to clean up your code.
Write functional code when it benefits you.
Functional code can both clean things up and make them impossible to understand. Refactor common loops into functional calls, but don't write stupidly complex reduce()s just to avoid writing a loop. There's a use case for both.
Comments usually indicate poor code design.
Before writing a comment, ask yourself if you could rename some things or create variables to improve readability. If that's not possible, write the comment in a way that both your colleagues and you will understand in 6 months.
Context matters.
Above I said that moving business logic to action/service classes is good. But context matters
Here's code design advice from a popular "Laravel best practices" repo. There's absolutely no reason to put a 3-line check into a class. That's just overengineered
Use only what helps you and ignore everything else.
Your goal to write more readable code.
Your goal is NOT to do what someone said on the internet
These tips are just tactics that tend to help with clean code. Keep your end goal in mind and ask yourself "is this better?"
参考:翻译:Laravel 代码简洁之道(Clean Code)
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