开源 KV 引擎 NutsDB V0.9.0 发布~

大家好,如标题所言,开源 KV 引擎 NutsDB V0.9.0 发布~

本文主要摘自: mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VpMSe2ONGgRjxkJ...

NutsDB 的项目地址

github.com/nutsdb/nutsdb , 欢迎 star 关注、贡献。

本次 v0.9.0 发布的主要改动

非常感谢参与贡献的小伙伴,我把相关 PR 贡献的小伙伴的 github 名放在后面了(@xxx )。

本次改动主要分以下几类(详见: github.com/nutsdb/nutsdb/issues/16... ):

1 、bug 的修复

[Bug Fix] close file before error check &remove redundant judgments (#137 ) @xujiajun
[Bug Fix] update golang.org/x/sys to support go1.18 build (#139 )@ag9920
[Bug Fix] when use merge, error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (#166) @xujiajun
[Bug Fix] fix code example. (#143) @gphper
[Bug Fix] merge error after delete bucket (#153) @xujiajun

2 、优化

[Perf] add fd cache(#164) @elliotchenzichang 大幅度提高了读性能,有本地测了下有十几倍的提高
[Perf] optimize sadd function inserting duplicate data leads to datafile growth (#146) @gphper

3 、重构

[Refactor] rewrite managed to support panic rollback (#136 )@ag9920
[Refactor] errors: optimize error management (#163) @xpzouying

4 、单测相关

[Test] Update testcase: use testify test tools (#138) @xpzouying
[Test] change list and set test with table driven test and testify (#145 ) @bigdaronlee163
[Test] refactor db_test for string use testify (#147) @Rand01ph
[Test] add [bucket_meat/entry] unit test (#148) @gphper
[Test] update bptree unittest (#149) @xpzouying
[Test] Update tx bptree testcase (#155) @xpzouying
[Test] complete zset tests with testify (#151) @bigdaronlee163
[Test] optimization tx_bucket_test and bucket_meta_test (#156) @gphper
[Test] test:complete tx_zset tests with testify (#162) @bigdaronlee163

5 、杂项

[Chore] remove unused member (#157) @xpzouying
[Style] format code comments etc. (#140) @moyrne`


如果二维码过期,请到这个帖子里面扫 github.com/nutsdb/nutsdb/issues/11...

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讨论数量: 2


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fnoop 2年前
