Laravel Workflow 扇出扇入,并发处理pdf的demo


任务链 是一种工作流设计模式,涉及一系列活动的顺序执行,一个活动的输出有可能成为链中下一个活动的输入。这种模式经常被用来创建一个线性的、按部就班的流程来完成一项任务。
Chaining is a workflow design pattern that involves the sequential execution of a series of activities, with the output of one activity potentially serving as the input to the next activity in the chain. This pattern is often used to create a linear, step-by-step process for completing a task.

Laravel Workflow: Job Chaining vs. Fan-out/Fan-in


In contrast, the fan-out/fan-in pattern involves dividing a task into smaller sub-tasks and then combining the results of those sub-tasks to produce the final result. This pattern is often used to parallelize a task and improve its performance by leveraging the power of multiple queue workers.

Laravel Workflow: Job Chaining vs. Fan-out/Fan-in

There are two phases: fan-out and fan-in.

In the fan-out phase, the workflow divides the main task into smaller sub-tasks and assigns each of those sub-tasks to a different activity. In the fan-in phase, the workflow collects the results of the activities and combines them to produce the final result.

This article is part of a series on Larvel Workflow, a durable workflow engine that allows users to write long running persistent distributed workflows (orchestrations) in PHP powered by Laravel Queues. Inspired by Temporal and Azure Durable Functions.

The below workflow represents a simple example of a fan-out/fan-in pattern in which multiple activities are executed in parallel and their results are then merged together.

The workflow divides the task of creating a PDF into activities, with each activity responsible for rendering a single page of the document. Once the individual pages have been rendered, the fan-in phase of the workflow combines the rendered pages into a single PDF document.


namespace App\Workflows\BuildPDF;

use Workflow\ActivityStub;
use Workflow\Workflow;

class BuildPDFWorkflow extends Workflow
    public function execute()
        $page1 = ActivityStub::make(ConvertURLActivity::class, '');
        $page2 = ActivityStub::make(ConvertURLActivity::class, '');

        $pages = yield ActivityStub::all([$page1, $page2]);

        $result = yield ActivityStub::make(MergePDFActivity::class, $pages);

        return $result;

workflow to render pages in parallel and then merge them

The ConvertURLActivity is passed a URL as an argument, and it converts the contents of that URL into a PDF document. Because two separate activities are created, this results in the execution of two instances of ConvertURLActivity in parallel.


namespace App\Workflows\BuildPDF;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Workflow\Activity;

class ConvertURLActivity extends Activity
    public function execute($url)
        $fileName = uniqid() . '.pdf';

            'Apikey' => 'YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE',
            'sink' => storage_path($fileName),
        ->post('', [
            'Url' => $url,

        return $fileName;

activity that uses Cloudmersive API to convert URL to PDF

Next, the BuildPDFWorkflow uses ActivityStub::all to wait for both ConvertURLActivity instances to complete. This is an example of the fan-in part of the fan-out/fan-in pattern, as it collects the results of the parallel activities and combines them into a single array of PDF files.

Finally, the BuildPDFWorkflow executes theMergePDFActivity, which is passed the array of PDFs that were generated by the ConvertURLActivity instances, and merges them into a single PDF document.


namespace App\Workflows\BuildPDF;

use setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi;
use Workflow\Activity;

class MergePDFActivity extends Activity
    public function execute($pages)
        $fileName = uniqid() . '.pdf';

        $pdf = new Fpdi();

        foreach ($pages as $page) {

        $pdf->Output('F', storage_path($fileName));

        foreach ($pages as $page) {

        return $fileName;

activity to merge all the pages into a single PDF

This is what the final PDF looks like…

Laravel Workflow: Job Chaining vs. Fan-out/Fan-in
both pages have been merged into a single PDF

Overall, using the fan-out/fan-in pattern in this way can significantly reduce the time it takes to create a PDF document, making the process more efficient and scalable.

Thanks for reading!

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