


本文的代码地址 您的star就是我更新的动力




当你有需求要根据一段go代码生成一段新的go代码、文档或有时候使用一些工具(protobuf,gorm gen生成model)生成的代码无法满足我们的需求的时候。







给protobuf生成的文件注入我们自己的tag protoc-go-inject-tag


在go提供的api中所有的,包,字段,变量,注释等元素视为node,主要是三种,Expressions and type nodes, statement nodes, and declaration nodes.

// There are 3 main classes of nodes: Expressions and type nodes,
// statement nodes, and declaration nodes. The node names usually
// match the corresponding Go spec production names to which they
// correspond. The node fields correspond to the individual parts
// of the respective productions.
// All nodes contain position information marking the beginning of
// the corresponding source text segment; it is accessible via the
// Pos accessor method. Nodes may contain additional position info
// for language constructs where comments may be found between parts
// of the construct (typically any larger, parenthesized subpart).
// That position information is needed to properly position comments
// when printing the construct.

// All node types implement the Node interface.
type Node interface {
    Pos() token.Pos // position of first character belonging to the node
    End() token.Pos // position of first character immediately after the node

// All expression nodes implement the Expr interface.
type Expr interface {

// All statement nodes implement the Stmt interface.
type Stmt interface {

// All declaration nodes implement the Decl interface.
type Decl interface {

1 Expression and Type



    // An Ident node represents an identifier.
    Ident struct {
        NamePos token.Pos // identifier position
        Name    string    // identifier name
        Obj     *Object   // denoted object; or nil


// A type is represented by a tree consisting of one
// or more of the following type-specific expression
// nodes.
type (
    // An ArrayType node represents an array or slice type.
    ArrayType struct {
        Lbrack token.Pos // position of "["
        Len    Expr      // Ellipsis node for [...]T array types, nil for slice types
        Elt    Expr      // element type

    // A StructType node represents a struct type.
    StructType struct {
        Struct     token.Pos  // position of "struct" keyword
        Fields     *FieldList // list of field declarations
        Incomplete bool       // true if (source) fields are missing in the Fields list

    // Pointer types are represented via StarExpr nodes.

    // A FuncType node represents a function type.
    FuncType struct {
        Func       token.Pos  // position of "func" keyword (token.NoPos if there is no "func")
        TypeParams *FieldList // type parameters; or nil
        Params     *FieldList // (incoming) parameters; non-nil
        Results    *FieldList // (outgoing) results; or nil

    // An InterfaceType node represents an interface type.
    InterfaceType struct {
        Interface  token.Pos  // position of "interface" keyword
        Methods    *FieldList // list of embedded interfaces, methods, or types
        Incomplete bool       // true if (source) methods or types are missing in the Methods list

    // A MapType node represents a map type.
    MapType struct {
        Map   token.Pos // position of "map" keyword
        Key   Expr
        Value Expr

    // A ChanType node represents a channel type.
    ChanType struct {
        Begin token.Pos // position of "chan" keyword or "<-" (whichever comes first)
        Arrow token.Pos // position of "<-" (token.NoPos if there is no "<-")
        Dir   ChanDir   // channel direction
        Value Expr      // value type

2 Statement

赋值语句,控制语句(if,else,for,select…)等均属于statement node。

// A statement is represented by a tree consisting of one
// or more of the following concrete statement nodes.
type (
    // A BadStmt node is a placeholder for statements containing
    // syntax errors for which no correct statement nodes can be
    // created.
    BadStmt struct {
        From, To token.Pos // position range of bad statement

    // A DeclStmt node represents a declaration in a statement list.
    DeclStmt struct {
        Decl Decl // *GenDecl with CONST, TYPE, or VAR token

    // An EmptyStmt node represents an empty statement.
    // The "position" of the empty statement is the position
    // of the immediately following (explicit or implicit) semicolon.
    EmptyStmt struct {
        Semicolon token.Pos // position of following ";"
        Implicit  bool      // if set, ";" was omitted in the source

    // A LabeledStmt node represents a labeled statement.
    LabeledStmt struct {
        Label *Ident
        Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
        Stmt  Stmt

    // An ExprStmt node represents a (stand-alone) expression
    // in a statement list.
    ExprStmt struct {
        X Expr // expression

    // A SendStmt node represents a send statement.
    SendStmt struct {
        Chan  Expr
        Arrow token.Pos // position of "<-"
        Value Expr

    // An IncDecStmt node represents an increment or decrement statement.
    IncDecStmt struct {
        X      Expr
        TokPos token.Pos   // position of Tok
        Tok    token.Token // INC or DEC

    // An AssignStmt node represents an assignment or
    // a short variable declaration.
    AssignStmt struct {
        Lhs    []Expr
        TokPos token.Pos   // position of Tok
        Tok    token.Token // assignment token, DEFINE
        Rhs    []Expr

    // A GoStmt node represents a go statement.
    GoStmt struct {
        Go   token.Pos // position of "go" keyword
        Call *CallExpr

    // A DeferStmt node represents a defer statement.
    DeferStmt struct {
        Defer token.Pos // position of "defer" keyword
        Call  *CallExpr

    // A ReturnStmt node represents a return statement.
    ReturnStmt struct {
        Return  token.Pos // position of "return" keyword
        Results []Expr    // result expressions; or nil

    // A BranchStmt node represents a break, continue, goto,
    // or fallthrough statement.
    BranchStmt struct {
        TokPos token.Pos   // position of Tok
        Tok    token.Token // keyword token (BREAK, CONTINUE, GOTO, FALLTHROUGH)
        Label  *Ident      // label name; or nil

    // A BlockStmt node represents a braced statement list.
    BlockStmt struct {
        Lbrace token.Pos // position of "{"
        List   []Stmt
        Rbrace token.Pos // position of "}", if any (may be absent due to syntax error)

    // An IfStmt node represents an if statement.
    IfStmt struct {
        If   token.Pos // position of "if" keyword
        Init Stmt      // initialization statement; or nil
        Cond Expr      // condition
        Body *BlockStmt
        Else Stmt // else branch; or nil

    // A CaseClause represents a case of an expression or type switch statement.
    CaseClause struct {
        Case  token.Pos // position of "case" or "default" keyword
        List  []Expr    // list of expressions or types; nil means default case
        Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
        Body  []Stmt    // statement list; or nil

    // A SwitchStmt node represents an expression switch statement.
    SwitchStmt struct {
        Switch token.Pos  // position of "switch" keyword
        Init   Stmt       // initialization statement; or nil
        Tag    Expr       // tag expression; or nil
        Body   *BlockStmt // CaseClauses only

    // A TypeSwitchStmt node represents a type switch statement.
    TypeSwitchStmt struct {
        Switch token.Pos  // position of "switch" keyword
        Init   Stmt       // initialization statement; or nil
        Assign Stmt       // x := y.(type) or y.(type)
        Body   *BlockStmt // CaseClauses only

    // A CommClause node represents a case of a select statement.
    CommClause struct {
        Case  token.Pos // position of "case" or "default" keyword
        Comm  Stmt      // send or receive statement; nil means default case
        Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
        Body  []Stmt    // statement list; or nil

    // A SelectStmt node represents a select statement.
    SelectStmt struct {
        Select token.Pos  // position of "select" keyword
        Body   *BlockStmt // CommClauses only

    // A ForStmt represents a for statement.
    ForStmt struct {
        For  token.Pos // position of "for" keyword
        Init Stmt      // initialization statement; or nil
        Cond Expr      // condition; or nil
        Post Stmt      // post iteration statement; or nil
        Body *BlockStmt

    // A RangeStmt represents a for statement with a range clause.
    RangeStmt struct {
        For        token.Pos   // position of "for" keyword
        Key, Value Expr        // Key, Value may be nil
        TokPos     token.Pos   // position of Tok; invalid if Key == nil
        Tok        token.Token // ILLEGAL if Key == nil, ASSIGN, DEFINE
        Range      token.Pos   // position of "range" keyword
        X          Expr        // value to range over
        Body       *BlockStmt

3 Spec Node


Spec node只有3种,分别是ImportSpecValueSpecTypeSpec

ImportSpec表示一个单独的import,ValueSpec一个常量或变量的声明,TypeSpec 则表示一个type声明。

/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations

// A Spec node represents a single (non-parenthesized) import,
// constant, type, or variable declaration.
type (
    // The Spec type stands for any of *ImportSpec, *ValueSpec, and *TypeSpec.
    Spec interface {

    // An ImportSpec node represents a single package import.
    ImportSpec struct {
        Doc     *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
        Name    *Ident        // local package name (including "."); or nil
        Path    *BasicLit     // import path
        Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
        EndPos  token.Pos     // end of spec (overrides Path.Pos if nonzero)

    // A ValueSpec node represents a constant or variable declaration
    // (ConstSpec or VarSpec production).
    ValueSpec struct {
        Doc     *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
        Names   []*Ident      // value names (len(Names) > 0)
        Type    Expr          // value type; or nil
        Values  []Expr        // initial values; or nil
        Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil

    // A TypeSpec node represents a type declaration (TypeSpec production).
    TypeSpec struct {
        Doc        *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
        Name       *Ident        // type name
        TypeParams *FieldList    // type parameters; or nil
        Assign     token.Pos     // position of '=', if any
        Type       Expr          // *Ident, *ParenExpr, *SelectorExpr, *StarExpr, or any of the *XxxTypes
        Comment    *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil

4 others

// Comment 注释节点,代表单行的 //-格式 或 /*-格式的注释.
type Comment struct {
// CommentGroup 注释块节点,包含多个连续的Comment
type CommentGroup struct {

// Field 字段节点, 可以代表结构体定义中的字段,接口定义中的方法列表,函数前面中的入参和返回值字段
type Field struct {
// FieldList 包含多个Field
type FieldList struct {

// File 表示一个文件节点
type File struct {

// Package 表示一个包节点
type Package struct {



我们常用的node,一般是有一些比较基础的类型组成的这go中,ast.Fileast.ValueSpec:ast.TypeSpecast.Field 类型都是由一些基础类型组成,比如TypeSpec 类型下 会doc(CommentGroup) 和filed(FieldList) 字段。ValueSpec 类型下有 ident,doc类型的字段, 具体使用还是要debug 去看 分析这个node下有什么字段。

    // A TypeSpec node represents a type declaration (TypeSpec production).
    TypeSpec struct {
        Doc        *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
        Name       *Ident        // type name
        TypeParams *FieldList    // type parameters; or nil
        Assign     token.Pos     // position of '=', if any
        Type       Expr          // *Ident, *ParenExpr, *SelectorExpr, *StarExpr, or any of the *XxxTypes
        Comment    *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
    ValueSpec struct {
        Doc     *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
        Names   []*Ident      // value names (len(Names) > 0)
        Type    Expr          // value type; or nil
        Values  []Expr        // initial values; or nil
        Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil


package main

import (

// 遍历节点
func main() {
    fileFullPath, err := filepath.Abs("utils\\ast\\card.gen.go")
    if err!=nil{
    fset := token.NewFileSet()
    f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, fileFullPath, nil, parser.ParseComments)
    if err != nil {

    ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
        switch node := n.(type) {
        case *ast.GenDecl:
            color.Red("GenDecl node %+v",node)
        case  *ast.TypeSpec: //类型定义 ((重点)) 当我们要解析一个结构体用到 
            color.Yellow("TypeSpec node %+v",node)
        case *ast.StructType:
            color.Yellow("StructType node %+v", node)
        case *ast.Field:
            // Expressions and types

            // A Field represents a Field declaration list in a struct type,
            // a method list in an interface type, or a parameter/result declaration
            // in a signature.
            // Field.Names is nil for unnamed parameters (parameter lists which only contain types)
            // and embedded struct fields. In the latter case, the field name is the type name.
            type Field struct {
                Doc     *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
                Names   []*Ident      // field/method/(type) parameter names; or nil
                Type    Expr          // field/method/parameter type; or nil
                Tag     *BasicLit     // field tag; or nil
                Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
            color.Blue("Field node %+v",node)
        case *ast.Ident://标识符,包括类型和字段名,变量名,结构体名等
            color.Green("ident node %+v",node)
        case *ast.SwitchStmt:
            color.Magenta("SwitchStmt node %+v",node)
        case *ast.Comment:
            color.Black("Comment node %+v",node)
        case *ast.CommentGroup:
            color.Magenta("commentGroup node %+v",node)
        case *ast.InterfaceType:
            color.Magenta("interfaceType node %+v",node)
        case *ast.ValueSpec: //((重点))当我们要解析全局变量,常量的时候用到
            color.Magenta("ValueSpec node %+v",node)

        return true


给gorm gen 生成的代码增加一些我们自己的方法。直接在ast.FIle node下增加即可

    ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
        switch node := n.(type) {
        case *ast.File:
            for _, v := range s.Fields {

                eqFunc := &ast.SelectorExpr{
                    X: &ast.SelectorExpr{
                        X:   callerIdent,
                        Sel: ast.NewIdent(v.FieldName),
                    Sel: eqIdent,

                funcName := fmt.Sprintf("Find%sBy%s", firstUpper(s.Name), v.FieldName)
                funcNameCtx := fmt.Sprintf("Find%sBy%sCtx", firstUpper(s.Name), v.FieldName)
                paramIdent = ast.NewIdent(v.FieldName)
                paramIdent.Obj = &ast.Object{
                    Kind: ast.Var,
                    Name: v.FieldName,
                    Decl: &ast.Field{
                        Doc:     nil,
                        Names:   []*ast.Ident{ast.NewIdent(v.FieldName)},
                        Type:    ast.NewIdent(_typeMap[v.FieldType]),
                        Tag:     nil,
                        Comment: nil,
                    Data: nil,
                    Type: nil,
                newSpec := &ast.FuncDecl{
                    Doc:  nil,
                    Recv: recv,
                    Name: ast.NewIdent(funcName),
                    Type: &ast.FuncType{
                        Func:       0,
                        TypeParams: nil,
                        Params: &ast.FieldList{
                            Opening: 0,
                            List: []*ast.Field{{
                                Doc:     nil,
                                Names:   []*ast.Ident{paramIdent},
                                Type:    ast.NewIdent(_typeMap[v.FieldType]),
                                Tag:     nil,
                                Comment: nil,
                            Closing: 0,
                        Results: &ast.FieldList{
                            Opening: 0,
                            List: []*ast.Field{
                                    Doc:     nil,
                                    Names:   []*ast.Ident{ast.NewIdent("result")},
                                    Type:    ast.NewIdent("*model." + firstUpper(s.Name)),
                                    Tag:     nil,
                                    Comment: nil,
                                }, {
                                    Doc:     nil,
                                    Names:   []*ast.Ident{ast.NewIdent("err")},
                                    Type:    ast.NewIdent("error"),
                                    Tag:     nil,
                                    Comment: nil,
                            Closing: 0,
                    Body: &ast.BlockStmt{
                        Lbrace: 0,
                        List: []ast.Stmt{
                                Return: 0,
                                Results: []ast.Expr{&ast.CallExpr{
                                    Fun: &ast.SelectorExpr{
                                        X: &ast.CallExpr{
                                            Fun:    whereFunc,
                                            Lparen: 0,
                                            Args: []ast.Expr{&ast.CallExpr{
                                                Fun:      eqFunc,
                                                Lparen:   0,
                                                Args:     []ast.Expr{paramIdent},
                                                Ellipsis: 0,
                                                Rparen:   0,
                                            Ellipsis: 0,
                                            Rparen:   0,
                                        Sel: takeIdent,
                                    Lparen:   0,
                                    Args:     nil,
                                    Ellipsis: 0,
                                    Rparen:   0,
                        Rbrace: 0,

                node.Decls = append(node.Decls, newSpec, newSpecCtx)

            return false

        return true
func (c cardDo) Scan(result interface{}) (err error) {
    return c.DO.Scan(result)

func (c cardDo) Delete(models ...*model.Card) (result gen.ResultInfo, err error) {
    return c.DO.Delete(models)

func (c *cardDo) withDO(do gen.Dao) *cardDo {
    c.DO = *do.(*gen.DO)
    return c
func (c card) FindCardById(id int32) (*model.Card, error) {
    return c.cardDo.Where(c.ID.Eq(id)).Take()
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