代码实现 RabbitMQ 死信队列的创建
之前有写过死信队列的使用场景以及通过管控台创建死信。这次就通过代码实现死信队列的创建,同时也分享一下 RabbitMQ 封装的类。
1. 先准备一个死信队列 (最后用来消费) 的参数配置,包括虚拟机,交换机,队列,有效时间等,如下。
2. 按照上面在 RabbitMQ 中创建虚拟机和交换机,死信队列。并让交换机与死信队列绑定,操作方法前面有介绍。
3. 这里就直接提供 rabbitMQ 操作的基本封装的类,包括一个基类,生产者类,消费者类。
3.1. 基类。
namespace rabbitmq;
/** Member
* AMQPChannel
* AMQPConnection
* AMQPEnvelope
* AMQPExchange
* AMQPQueue
* Class BaseMQ
* @package rabbitMQ
class BaseMQ
/** MQ Channel
* @var \AMQPChannel
public $AMQPChannel ;
/** MQ Link
* @var \AMQPConnection
public $AMQPConnection ;
/** MQ Envelope
* @var \AMQPEnvelope
public $AMQPEnvelope ;
/** MQ Exchange
* @var \AMQPExchange
public $AMQPExchange ;
/** MQ Queue
* @var \AMQPQueue
public $AMQPQueue ;
/** conf
* @var
public $conf ;
/** exchange
* @var
public $exchange ;
* queue
* @var
public $queue;
* routes
* @var
public $route;
* queue_args
* @var
public $queueArgs;
/** link
* BaseMQ constructor.
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
public function __construct($host,$options,$args = [])
$config = include 'config/config.php';
if (!$config)
throw new \AMQPConnectionException('config error!');
$this->host = array_merge($config,$host);
isset($options['vhost']) && $this->host['vhost'] = $options['vhost'];
$this->exchange = $options['exchange'];
$this->queue = $options['queue'];
$this->route = $options['route'];
$this->queueArgs = $args;
$this->AMQPConnection = new \AMQPConnection($this->host);
if (!$this->AMQPConnection->connect())
throw new \AMQPConnectionException("Cannot connect to the broker!\n");
* close link
public function close()
/** Channel
* @return \AMQPChannel
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
public function channel()
if (!$this->AMQPChannel) {
$this->AMQPChannel = new \AMQPChannel($this->AMQPConnection);
return $this->AMQPChannel;
/** Exchange
* @return \AMQPExchange
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPExchangeException
public function exchange()
if (!$this->AMQPExchange) {
$this->AMQPExchange = new \AMQPExchange($this->channel());
return $this->AMQPExchange ;
/** queue
* @return \AMQPQueue
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPQueueException
public function queue()
if (!$this->AMQPQueue) {
$this->AMQPQueue = new \AMQPQueue($this->channel());
return $this->AMQPQueue ;
/** Envelope
* @return \AMQPEnvelope
public function envelope()
if (!$this->AMQPEnvelope) {
$this->AMQPEnvelope = new \AMQPEnvelope();
return $this->AMQPEnvelope;
3.2. 生产者类。
namespace rabbitmq;
class ProductMQ extends BaseMQ
/** 只控制发送成功 不接受消费者是否收到
* @throws \AMQPChannelException
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPExchangeException
public function publish($message)
$message = is_array($message)?json_encode($message):$message;
$channel = $this->channel();
$ex = $this->exchange();
return $ex->publish($message, $this->route, AMQP_NOPARAM, array('delivery_mode' => 2));
3.3. 消费者。
namespace rabbitmq;
class ConsumerMQ extends BaseMQ
/** 接受消息 如果终止 重连时会有消息
* @throws \AMQPChannelException
* @throws \AMQPConnectionException
* @throws \AMQPExchangeException
* @throws \AMQPQueueException
public function run($processMessage)
// 创建交换机
$ex = $this->exchange();
// direct类型
// 持久化
// 不存在就发布
// 创建队列
$q = $this->queue();
// 设置队列名称
// 持久化
// 队列参数
is_array($this->queueArgs) && $q->setArguments($this->queueArgs);
//echo "Message Total:".$q->declareQueue()."\n";
// echo 'Queue Bind: '.$q->bind($this->exchange, $this->route)."\n";
$q->bind($this->exchange, $this->route);
// echo "Message:\n";
if (!is_null($processMessage)) {
while (True) {
x-dead-letter-exchange: 关联死信的交换机
x-dead-letter-routing-key 关联死信的路由key
x-message-ttl 当前队列消息的有效期,也就是多久后消息自动进行死信队列,并且从本队列删除
- 代码部分:
public function addToDlx()
$host = [
'host' => '',
'port' => '5672',
'login' => 'guest',
'password' => 'guest',
'vhost' => 'report',
'heartbeat' => 60
// 普通队列
$normal = [
'vhost' => 'report', // 虚拟机
'exchange' => 'normal', // 交换机
'route' => 'normal_route', // 路由key - 用于交换机与队列进行绑定
'queue' => 'normal_queue', // 队列
'expire' => 1000*60, // 有效时间单位:毫秒 - 1分钟
// 死信队列
$normal_dlx = [
'vhost' => 'report',
'exchange' => 'normal_dlx',
'route' => 'normal_dlx_route',
'queue' => 'normal_dlx_queue'
// 给普通队列关联死信队列,携带的参数
$dlx_args = [
'x-dead-letter-exchange' => $normal_dlx['exchange'],
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' => $normal_dlx['route'],
'x-message-ttl' => $normal['expire'],
//////////////// 通过消费者方式创建死信队列/////////////
$dlx_mq = new ConsumerMQ($host,$normal,$dlx_args);
//////////////// 将消息放入普通队列/////////////////////
$mq = new ProductMQ($host, $normal);
$param = json_encode([
'name' => 'test',
'id' => 11568,
'remark' => '测试一下'
2. 测试结果:
通过 postman 点击上面接口,控制台就可以看出多出了一个 normal 队列,并且队列的 Features 为 “ D TTL DLX DLK ”,$param 的消息也会首先进入 “normal” 队列。
2. 1 分钟后 (自己设置的),normal 的消息会失效,进而开始添加到了死信队列 “normal_dxl”,可以点击死信查看最新的消息信息。
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