Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Coanda (A CMS based on Laravel)
Scrutiny checks over your environment to make sure your app is running as it should be – use pingdom to check it
An interface to edit language files, for Laravel Backpack.
Adds the power of Pug to Laravel
Laravel API Manager Package - beatify and unify your responses with the least effort possible.
Use the simple and yet powerful Laravel Blade templating engine as a standalone component.
Raven client for Sentry that supports background processing through multiple providers.
An extension for the Eloquent ORM to support versioning.
Laravel Console Dusk allows the usage of Laravel Dusk in Laravel/Laravel Zero artisan commands.
A faster and more eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel with the speed of Spout
Get Laravel 5.2.x database for your non laravel projects. Built on top of illuminate/database to provide migration, seeding and artisan support
A middleware to censor certain words from your pages
A lightweight PHP Shopping Cart for Laravel 5.
Elegant notifications to laravel with Toastr or PNotify
A range based Cascading Seeder for Laravel.
A Laravel Package that makes Invitation to Slack Channels seamless
TC Kimlik Numarası Kontrolü ve Doğrulaması
Adds localization support to laravel applications in an easy way using Poedit and GNU gettext.
Adaptation of eloquent for retrieving its attributes
Use phpredis as the redis connection in Laravel
Project specific Laravel Homestead vagrant environment

Laravel 扩展