Laravel 扩展排行榜

此列表只包含第三方 Laravel 类库,查看所有 Laravel 相关的项目请点击这里

Allows for threaded comments to be added to multiple and different models.
Laravel package to get Google Custom Search results from Google Custom Search Engine API for both free and paid version.
Core Provides Some Extra Functionality For Laravel 4
Using IBM Watson Personality Insights Service with Laravel 5
Theme will help you organize your themes inside Laravel projects easily and maintain its related assets, layouts and partials for the theme in single directory. (Based on teepluss/theme)
A database interface package for Laravel (Legacy of Frozennode Laravel-Administrator)
Web artisan allows to run artisan console commands using a browser
A quick replacement for Laravel's basic templates, built with Bulma
A Laravel wrapper that performs sentiment analysis over an English sentence
AdaptCMS is the modern solution to the CMS problem. Laravel, Plugins and Themes, easy and quite fast.
Laravel File API - Handle Files with Laravel Storage
A Laravel proxy package for javascript API calls
Aliyun oss for Laravel5, also support flysystem adapter
Laravel Console Task is a output method for your Laravel/Laravel Zero commands.
Easily create Temporal Models with Laravel.
A trait that adds createdBy and updatedBy user relations to your models
A Laravel-ish wrapper to the PHP Mongo driver
Laravel exception notifier will send an email of of the error along with the stack trace to the chosen recipients.

Laravel 扩展