Laravel 扩展排行榜

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RedminPortal is a backend administrating tool for Content Management and Ecommerce sites.
The Missing Front-end for The Missing Laravel Admin.
This Package helps developers to easily work with Jalali (Shamsi or Iranian) dates in Laravel 4 applications, based on Jalali (Shamsi) DateTime class. This Package is based on a Laravel 3 bundle sallar/laravel-jdate by Sallar Kaboli.
Easy and useful tool to generate arabic or hijri date with multi-language support for laravel
Monitor when to bill clients based on the services they use.
[![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Total Downloads](]( [![License](]( ## 功能 - 支持缓存渲染后数据 - 支持指定缓存过期时间(默认10分钟) - header头输出缓存命中状态、缓存Key及过期时间 ## 安装 ```sh composer require flc/laravel-middleware-cache-response ``` ## 配置 > `\app\Http\Kernel.php`文件中`$routeMiddleware`增加: ```php <?php 'cache.response' => \Flc\Laravel\Http\Middleware\CacheResponse::class, // cache.response 命名随意,你开心就好 ``` ## 使用 ```php <?php Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); })->middleware('cache.response'); Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); })->middleware('cache.response:20'); // 指定缓存时间20分钟 ``` ## 附录 **缓存规则** - 当前URL全路径md5 **Headers** ``` X-Cache:Missed X-Cache-Expires:2018-03-29 15:08:29 CST X-Cache-Key:6c9b19774e2c304a42d200f314d8c80b ``` ## License MIT
An easy to install Live Chat system that uses HipChat and Laravel.
Providing an auto-updating functionality for your self-hosted Laravel application.
Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided for the Slim Framework
A simple Magento Integration using SOAP v1 and v2
A Laravel package for compiling blades nested in 1 file into 1 flattened file.
Use Amazon's MWS web services with Laravel 5.x. Based on creacoon/amazon-mws-laravel package and modified to make it compatible with latest Laravel releases (+ bugfixes).
Package for when you can't use Bcrypt in Laravel 4.
GuPayment fornece uma interface para controlar assinaturas do
Foundation Inky email templates in Laravel
Laravel CRUD builder powered by custom fields
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in PHP 5.4+ with the power of packages PHPExcel, League/Csv and Laravel's Collections
Advanced route class for Laravel - restoring implicit controllers to the framework.
This package extends Laravel's native Command Event class to allow for managing events fired on the same system with multiple servers, preventing an event from firing more than once

Laravel 扩展