Horizon 运行一段时间对队列中任务不执行
这个问题碰到过几次,开始队列正常一段时间,突然出现队列没有执行,打开仪表盘任务列表中的job处于暂停状态,一直不执行,执行php artisan horizon:terminate后恢复正常,log日志没有错误信息。laravel版本 5.8 reids 版本5.0.5 不知道有没有人碰到过这个问题
Horizon does not work with Redis Cluster and likely never will. Even if it did work with Clusters, you wouldn't be taking advantage of the clustering because Lua operations can't operate on multiple shards in one operation. And, for Horizon to work properly, our Lua scripts have to perform operations on multiple keys in one atomic transaction.