
如下面的一道 段落填空 ,横线处需要写入具体的单词(或者选择选项:完型填空)

Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by ____1_____ . Insulation may cause the Earth to ____2_____ . There are many ____3_____ on the global climate. The ____4_____ does not remain static. We cannot understand the global climate without understanding ____5_____ .

这道大题包含 5 个小题,请问如何在 MySQL 中储存这道大题和小题已实现下面的功能:

  1. 管理员可以比较方便地编辑这个题目(最好使用富文本编辑器编辑)
  2. 考生完成后,可以由程序得出分数(答案已知且固定)
  3. 需要把考生的错误的小题记录下来


题目 tests

字段 类型 说明
id 自增 int 主键
question longText 由富文本编辑得到的题目内容


Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by [:question] . Insulation may cause the Earth to [:question]. There are many [:question] on the global climate. The [:question] does not remain static. We cannot understand the global climate without understanding [:question].


<p>Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by [:question] . Insulation may cause the Earth to [:question]. There are many [:question] on the global climate. The [:question]  does not remain static. We cannot understand the global climate without understanding [:question].<p>

然后前端或后端遍历这个内容,找出所有的 [:question],每一个小题生成小题表(questions表)里面的一行记录:

小题 questions

字段 类型 说明
id 自增 int 主键
test_id unsignedBigInteger 外键
serial_number unsignedInteger 该 test 中的第几个 question
type char 填空、单选、多选
options json (nullable) 题目的选项
answer json 题目的答案


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<p>Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by [:answer-1] . Insulation may cause the Earth to [:answer-2]. There are many [:answer-3] on the global climate. The [:answer-4]  does not remain static. We cannot understand the global climate without understanding [:answer-5].<p>


3年前 评论
讨论数量: 3


<p>Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by [:answer-1] . Insulation may cause the Earth to [:answer-2]. There are many [:answer-3] on the global climate. The [:answer-4]  does not remain static. We cannot understand the global climate without understanding [:answer-5].<p>


3年前 评论


3年前 评论
家猪配种专家 (楼主) 3年前

编辑和存储可以分开处理。每种题型用 type 字段区分,这里以段落填空为例。

Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by <u>balabal1</u> . Insulation may cause the Earth to <u>balabal2</u>. There are many <u>balabal1</u> on the global climate.

这里使用下划线(<u>)是为了保持大家的习惯。当然也可以用 [:question],只要是一个特殊标记即可。如果使用下划线,可能要在后台提供一个富文本编辑器,以方便管理员操作。


  1. 第一种:把下划线标注的文本提取出来作为答案,单独存在一个表中,剩余的文本存储文题目,空出来的地方用下划线代替。
  2. 第二种:把文本按照下划线打散,标注序号,存在 json 中。甚至于我们可以做一个 term 表,这些表的每一行存储的可能是类似于
id type content sort topic_id(题目ID)
1 sentence Scientists want to know whether global warming is caused by 1 1
2 answer balabal1 2 1
3 sentence . Insulation may cause the Earth to 3 1
4 answer balabal2 4 1
5 sentence . There are many 5 1

总之来说可以把文本拆分的很细,也可以一股脑的存在 json 中,拆分的很细,即意味着我们设计的数据库很精细,也就需要付出更多地精力,但是换来的就是可操作性,例如可以把一个空或者一个句子当成一个 model。

不要局限在 一个题目 = 一个model 的层面,题目还可以再往下拆分,可以设计出更合理的数据库结构。

3年前 评论
家猪配种专家 (楼主) 3年前
