Vagrant2.0 不支持 VirtualBox5.2 怎么办呢?又不想回退一个。有谁知道什么时候会被支持

The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine
'homestead-7' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The
reason is shown below:

Vagrant has detected that you have a version of VirtualBox installed
that is not supported by this version of Vagrant. Please install one of
the supported versions listed below to use Vagrant:

4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1

A Vagrant update may also be available that adds support for the version
you specified. Please check to download
the latest version.

《L02 从零构建论坛系统》
以构建论坛项目 LaraBBS 为线索,展开对 Laravel 框架的全面学习。应用程序架构思路贴近 Laravel 框架的设计哲学。
《L01 基础入门》
我们将带你从零开发一个项目并部署到线上,本课程教授 Web 开发中专业、实用的技能,如 Git 工作流、Laravel Mix 前端工作流等。
讨论数量: 5

Hey everyone: As I mentioned in a few other recent issues, support for VirtualBox 5.2 has already been merged into the master branch of Vagrant. We just haven't had a chance to roll out the next release. We're shooting for getting the next release out early next week. I'll go ahead and leave this issue open for now...Thanks!


7年前 评论

2.0.1 (November 2, 2017)

providers/virtualbox: Virtualbox 5.2 support [GH-8955]


7年前 评论
