Laravel Octane 无法下载文件问题


Octane returns raw PDF data |
Dcat Admin 使用 Laravel Octane 时导出功能无法使用的原因及修复方法 | Laravel China 社区 (


laravel octane 1.12.14,使用 swoole 作为驱动
laravel 9.19.0


在试图返回一个下载 txt 文件的响应时,不使用 Octane 可以正常触发浏览器下载操作,而使用了 Octane 则是直接在浏览器打印文件内容

->path('/example.txt'), 'example.txt')




Laravel Octane 无法下载文件问题


Laravel Octane 无法下载文件问题


下面是我的 Octane 配置文件(原版未修改)

use Laravel\Octane\Contracts\OperationTerminated;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\RequestHandled;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\RequestReceived;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\RequestTerminated;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\TaskReceived;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\TaskTerminated;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\TickReceived;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\TickTerminated;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\WorkerErrorOccurred;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\WorkerStarting;
use Laravel\Octane\Events\WorkerStopping;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\CollectGarbage;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\DisconnectFromDatabases;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\EnsureUploadedFilesAreValid;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\EnsureUploadedFilesCanBeMoved;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\FlushTemporaryContainerInstances;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\FlushUploadedFiles;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\ReportException;
use Laravel\Octane\Listeners\StopWorkerIfNecessary;
use Laravel\Octane\Octane;

return [
    | Octane Server
    | This value determines the default "server" that will be used by Octane
    | when starting, restarting, or stopping your server via the CLI. You
    | are free to change this to the supported server of your choosing.
    | Supported: "roadrunner", "swoole"

    'server' => env('OCTANE_SERVER', 'roadrunner'),

    | Force HTTPS
    | When this configuration value is set to "true", Octane will inform the
    | framework that all absolute links must be generated using the HTTPS
    | protocol. Otherwise your links may be generated using plain HTTP.

    'https' => env('OCTANE_HTTPS', false),

    | Octane Listeners
    | All of the event listeners for Octane's events are defined below. These
    | listeners are responsible for resetting your application's state for
    | the next request. You may even add your own listeners to the list.

    'listeners' => [
        WorkerStarting::class => [

        RequestReceived::class => [
            // 开启对 DcatAdmin 的支持

        RequestHandled::class => [

        RequestTerminated::class => [
            // FlushUploadedFiles::class,

        TaskReceived::class => [

        TaskTerminated::class => [

        TickReceived::class => [

        TickTerminated::class => [

        OperationTerminated::class => [
            // DisconnectFromDatabases::class,
            // CollectGarbage::class,

        WorkerErrorOccurred::class => [

        WorkerStopping::class => [

    | Warm / Flush Bindings
    | The bindings listed below will either be pre-warmed when a worker boots
    | or they will be flushed before every new request. Flushing a binding
    | will force the container to resolve that binding again when asked.

    'warm' => [

    'flush' => [

    | Octane Cache Table
    | While using Swoole, you may leverage the Octane cache, which is powered
    | by a Swoole table. You may set the maximum number of rows as well as
    | the number of bytes per row using the configuration options below.

    'cache' => [
        'rows' => 1000,
        'bytes' => 10000,

    | Octane Swoole Tables
    | While using Swoole, you may define additional tables as required by the
    | application. These tables can be used to store data that needs to be
    | quickly accessed by other workers on the particular Swoole server.

    'tables' => [
        'example:1000' => [
            'name' => 'string:1000',
            'votes' => 'int',

    | File Watching
    | The following list of files and directories will be watched when using
    | the --watch option offered by Octane. If any of the directories and
    | files are changed, Octane will automatically reload your workers.

    'watch' => [

    | Garbage Collection Threshold
    | When executing long-lived PHP scripts such as Octane, memory can build
    | up before being cleared by PHP. You can force Octane to run garbage
    | collection if your application consumes this amount of megabytes.

    'garbage' => 50,

    | Maximum Execution Time
    | The following setting configures the maximum execution time for requests
    | being handled by Octane. You may set this value to 0 to indicate that
    | there isn't a specific time limit on Octane request execution time.

    'max_execution_time' => 30,

《L05 电商实战》
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《L02 从零构建论坛系统》
以构建论坛项目 LaraBBS 为线索,展开对 Laravel 框架的全面学习。应用程序架构思路贴近 Laravel 框架的设计哲学。
讨论数量: 6

@larmdcm 感谢回复,使用了 streamDownload(),Octane 还是直接打印


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