Laravel Baum 嵌套集合模型中文文档翻译-部分
Baum是Laravel 5's的EloquentORM的嵌套集模式的实现。
For Laravel 4.2.x compatibility, check the 1.0.x branch branch or use the latest 1.0.x tagged release.
嵌套集是实现有序树的智能方法,允许快速,非递归查询。 例如,无论树有多深,您都可以在单个查询中获取节点的所有后代。 缺点是插入/移动/删除需要复杂的SQL,但这是由这个包在幕后处理的!
嵌套集适用于有序树(例如菜单,电商分类)和必须有效查询的大型树(例如,threaded posts)。
有关详细信息,请参阅嵌套集的维基百科条目。 此外,这是一个很好的入门教程:
背后的原理,TL; DR版本
|_ Child 1
|_ Child 1.1
|_ Child 1.2
|_ Child 2
|_ Child 2.1
|_ Child 2.2
| Root |
| ____________________________ ____________________________ |
| | Child 1 | | Child 2 | |
| | __________ _________ | | __________ _________ | |
| | | C 1.1 | | C 1.2 | | | | C 2.1 | | C 2.2 | | |
1 2 3_________4 5________6 7 8 9_________10 11_______12 13 14
| |___________________________| |___________________________| |
id | parent_id | lft | rgt | depth | data
1 | | 1 | 14 | 0 | root
2 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 1 | Child 1
3 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | Child 1.1
4 | 2 | 5 | 6 | 2 | Child 1.2
5 | 1 | 8 | 13 | 1 | Child 2
6 | 5 | 9 | 10 | 2 | Child 2.1
7 | 5 | 11 | 12 | 2 | Child 2.2
SELECT * WHERE lft IS BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
(right - left - 1)/2
SELECT * WHERE node.lft IS BETWEEN lft AND rgt
正如您所看到的那样,在普通树上递归且过于缓慢的查询突然变得非常快。 漂亮,不是吗?
Baum与Laravel 5合作。 您可以使用以下命令将其添加到composer.json文件中:
"baum/baum": "~1.1"
运行 composer install
与大多数Laravel 5包一样,您需要注册Baum *service provider*
。 进入 config/app.php
文件 添加下面一行到providers
php artisan baum:install MODEL
生成器将在您的应用程序中安装一个迁移和一个模型文件,该文件被配置为使用Baum提供的嵌套集行为。 您应该看看这些文件,因为每个文件都描述了如何自定义它们。
接下来,您可能会运行php artisan migrate
class Category extends Baum\Node {
class Dictionary extends Baum\Node {
protected $table = 'dictionary';
// 'parent_id' column name
protected $parentColumn = 'parent_id';
// 'lft' column name
protected $leftColumn = 'lidx';
// 'rgt' column name
protected $rightColumn = 'ridx';
// 'depth' column name
protected $depthColumn = 'nesting';
// guard attributes from mass-assignment
protected $guarded = array('id', 'parent_id', 'lidx', 'ridx', 'nesting');
: 父节点的引用 (int)lft
: 左索引边界 (int)rgt
: 右索引边界 (int)depth
: 嵌套深度 (int)
这是一个迁移文件(migrations file)的例子:
class Category extends Migration {
public function up() {
Schema::create('categories', function(Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('name', 255);
public function down() {
在配置模型并运行迁移后,您现在可以将Baum与您的模型一起使用了。 以下是一些例子。
- 创建根节点
- 插入节点
- 删除节点
- 获取节点的嵌套级别
- 移动节点
- 判定节点请求
- 关系
- 根和叶范围
- 访问祖先/后代链
- 限制子节点返回的层级
- 自定义排序列
- 转储层次结构树
- 模型事件:
- Scope 支持
- 验证
- 树重建
- 软删除
- seeding和批量赋值
- 其他功能
$root = Category::create(['name' => 'Root category']);
// 此方法与$node->makeRoot()同效果
$node->parent_id = null;
// 直接使用关系
$child1 = $root->children()->create(['name' => 'Child 1']);
// 使用`makeChildOf`方法
$child2 = Category::create(['name' => 'Child 2']);
已删除节点的后代也将被删除,并且将重新计算所有lft和rgt界限。 请注意,目前,不会触发删除和删除后代的模型事件。
$node->getLevel() // 节点是root的时候为0
: 找到左边的兄弟并向左移动。moveRight()
: 找到右边的兄弟并向右移动。moveToLeftOf($otherNode)
: 移动到某节点左侧的节点。moveToRightOf($otherNode)
: 移动到某节点右侧的节点。makeNextSiblingOf($otherNode)
: moveToRightOf` 的别名。makeSiblingOf($otherNode)
: 使这个节点成为某某的子节点。makeFirstChildOf($otherNode)
: 使这个节点成为某某的第一个子节点。makeLastChildOf($otherNode)
: 使当前节点设置为根节点。
$root = Creatures::create(['name' => 'The Root of All Evil']);
$dragons = Creatures::create(['name' => 'Here Be Dragons']);
$monsters = new Creatures(['name' => 'Horrible Monsters']);
$demons = Creatures::where('name', '=', 'demons')->first();
: 如果是根节点返回true。isLeaf()
: 如果是叶节点(分支的末尾)返回true。isChild()
: 如果是子节点返回true。isDescendantOf($other)
: 如果节点是另一个的后代,则返回true。isSelfOrDescendantOf($other)
: 如果节点是自己或后代,则返回true。isAncestorOf($other)
: 如果节点是另一个的祖先,则返回true。isSelfOrAncestorOf($other)
: 如果节点是自己或祖先,则返回true。equals($node)
: 当前节点实例等于另一个。insideSubtree($node)
: 检查给定节点是否在由左右索引定义的子树内。inSameScope($node)
: 如果给定节点与当前节点在同一范围内,则返回true。 也就是说,是否scoped属性中的每个列在两个节点中都具有相同的值。
$demons->isRoot(); // => false
$demons->isDescendantOf($root) // => true
$parent = $node->parent()->get();
$children = $node->children()->get();
// 查询范围以所有根节点为目标
// 查询范围以所有叶节点(所有分支的末尾)为目标
$firstRootNode = Category::root();
There are several methods which Baum offers to access the ancestry/descendancy
chain of a node in the Nested Set tree. The main thing to keep in mind is that
they are provided in two ways:
First as query scopes, returning an Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
instance to continue to query further. To get actual results from these,
remember to call get()
or first()
: Targets all the ancestor chain nodes including the current one.ancestors()
: Query the ancestor chain nodes excluding the current one.siblingsAndSelf()
: Instance scope which targets all children of the parent, including self.siblings()
: Instance scope targeting all children of the parent, except self.leaves()
: Instance scope targeting all of its nested children which do not have children.descendantsAndSelf()
: Scope targeting itself and all of its nested children.descendants()
: Set of all children & nested children.immediateDescendants()
: Set of all children nodes (non-recursive).
Second, as methods which return actual Baum\Node
instances (inside a Collection
object where appropiate):
: Returns the root node starting at the current node.getAncestorsAndSelf()
: Retrieve all of the ancestor chain including the current node.getAncestorsAndSelfWithoutRoot()
: All ancestors (including the current node) except the root node.getAncestors()
: Get all of the ancestor chain from the database excluding the current node.getAncestorsWithoutRoot()
: All ancestors except the current node and the root node.getSiblingsAndSelf()
: Get all children of the parent, including self.getSiblings()
: Return all children of the parent, except self.getLeaves()
: Return all of its nested children which do not have children.getDescendantsAndSelf()
: Retrieve all nested children and self.getDescendants()
: Retrieve all of its children & nested children.getImmediateDescendants()
: Retrieve all of its children nodes (non-recursive).
Here's a simple example for iterating a node's descendants (provided a name
attribute is available):
$node = Category::where('name', '=', 'Books')->first();
foreach($node->getDescendantsAndSelf() as $descendant) {
echo "{$descendant->name}";
Limiting the levels of children returned
In some situations where the hierarchy depth is huge it might be desirable to limit the number of levels of children returned (depth). You can do this in Baum by using the limitDepth
query scope.
The following snippet will get the current node's descendants up to a maximum
of 5 depth levels below it:
Similarly, you can limit the descendancy levels with both the getDescendants
and getDescendantsAndSelf
methods by supplying the desired depth limit as the first argument:
// This will work without depth limiting
// 1. As usual
// 2. Selecting only some attributes
$other->getDescendants(array('id', 'parent_id', 'name'));
// With depth limiting
// 1. A maximum of 5 levels of children will be returned
// 2. A max. of 5 levels of children will be returned selecting only some attrs
$other->getDescendants(5, array('id', 'parent_id', 'name'));
Custom sorting column
By default in Baum all results are returned sorted by the lft
index column
value for consistency.
If you wish to change this default behaviour you need to specify in your model
the name of the column you wish to use to sort your results like this:
protected $orderColumn = 'name';
Dumping the hierarchy tree
Baum extends the default Eloquent\Collection
class and provides thetoHierarchy
method to it which returns a nested collection representing the
queried tree.
Retrieving a complete tree hierarchy into a regular Collection
object with
its children properly nested is as simple as:
$tree = Category::where('name', '=', 'Books')->first()->getDescendantsAndSelf()->toHierarchy();
Model events: moving
and moved
Baum models fire the following events: moving
and moved
every time a node
is moved around the Nested Set tree. This allows you to hook into those points
in the node movement process. As with normal Eloquent model events, if false
is returned from the moving
event, the movement operation will be cancelled.
The recommended way to hook into those events is by using the model's boot
class Category extends Baum\Node {
public static function boot() {
static::moving(function($node) {
// Before moving the node this function will be called.
static::moved(function($node) {
// After the move operation is processed this function will be
// called.
Scope support
Baum provides a simple method to provide Nested Set "scoping" which restricts
what we consider part of a nested set tree. This should allow for multiple nested
set trees in the same database table.
To make use of the scoping funcionality you may override the scoped
attribute in your subclass. This attribute should contain an array of the column
names (database fields) which shall be used to restrict Nested Set queries:
class Category extends Baum\Node {
protected $scoped = array('company_id');
In the previous example, company_id
effectively restricts (or "scopes") a
Nested Set tree. So, for each value of that field we may be able to construct
a full different tree.
$root1 = Category::create(['name' => 'R1', 'company_id' => 1]);
$root2 = Category::create(['name' => 'R2', 'company_id' => 2]);
$child1 = Category::create(['name' => 'C1', 'company_id' => 1]);
$child2 = Category::create(['name' => 'C2', 'company_id' => 2]);
$root1->children()->get(); // <- returns $child1
$root2->children()->get(); // <- returns $child2
All methods which ask or traverse the Nested Set tree will use the scoped
attribute (if provided).
Please note that, for now, moving nodes between scopes is not supported.
The ::isValidNestedSet()
static method allows you to check if your underlying tree structure is correct. It mainly checks for these 3 things:
- Check that the bound indexes
are not null,rgt
values greater
and within the bounds of the parent node (if set). - That there are no duplicates for the
column values. - As the first check does not actually check root nodes, see if each root has
indexes within the bounds of its children.
All of the checks are scope aware and will check each scope separately if needed.
Example usage, given a Category
node class:
=> true
Tree rebuilding
Baum supports for complete tree-structure rebuilding (or reindexing) via the::rebuild()
static method.
This method will re-index all your lft
, rgt
and depth
column values,
inspecting your tree only from the parent <-> children relation
standpoint. Which means that you only need a correctly filled parent_id
and Baum will try its best to recompute the rest.
This can prove quite useful when something has gone horribly wrong with the index
values or it may come quite handy when converting from another implementation
(which would probably have a parent_id
This operation is also scope aware and will rebuild all of the scopes
separately if they are defined.
Simple example usage, given a Category
node class:
Valid trees (per the isValidNestedSet
method) will not get rebuilt. To force the index rebuilding process simply call the rebuild method with true
as the first parameter:
Soft deletes
Baum comes with limited support for soft-delete operations. What I mean
by limited is that the testing is still limited and the soft delete
functionality is changing in the upcoming 4.2 version of the framework, so use
this feature wisely.
For now, you may consider a safe restore()
operation to be one of:
- Restoring a leaf node
- Restoring a whole sub-tree in which the parent is not soft-deleted
Because Nested Set structures usually involve a number of method calls to build a hierarchy structure (which result in several database queries), Baum provides two convenient methods which will map the supplied array of node attributes and create a hierarchy tree from them:
: (static method) Maps the supplied array of node attributes into the database.makeTree($nodeList)
: (instance method) Maps the supplied array of node attributes into the database using the current node instance as the parent for the provided subtree.
Both methods will create new nodes when the primary key is not supplied, update or create if it is, and delete all nodes which are not present in the affecting scope. Understand that the affecting scope for the buildTree
static method is the whole nested set tree and for the makeTree
instance method are all of the current node's descendants.
For example, imagine we wanted to map the following category hierarchy into our database:
- TV & Home Theater
- Tablets & E-Readers
- Computers
- Laptops
- PC Laptops
- Macbooks (Air/Pro)
- Desktops
- Monitors
- Cell Phones
This could be easily accomplished with the following code:
$categories = [
['id' => 1, 'name' => 'TV & Home Theather'],
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Tablets & E-Readers'],
['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Computers', 'children' => [
['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Laptops', 'children' => [
['id' => 5, 'name' => 'PC Laptops'],
['id' => 6, 'name' => 'Macbooks (Air/Pro)']
['id' => 7, 'name' => 'Desktops'],
['id' => 8, 'name' => 'Monitors']
['id' => 9, 'name' => 'Cell Phones']
Category::buildTree($categories) // => true
After that, we may just update the hierarchy as needed:
$categories = [
['id' => 1, 'name' => 'TV & Home Theather'],
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Tablets & E-Readers'],
['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Computers', 'children' => [
['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Laptops', 'children' => [
['id' => 5, 'name' => 'PC Laptops'],
['id' => 6, 'name' => 'Macbooks (Air/Pro)']
['id' => 7, 'name' => 'Desktops', 'children' => [
// These will be created
['name' => 'Towers Only'],
['name' => 'Desktop Packages'],
['name' => 'All-in-One Computers'],
['name' => 'Gaming Desktops']
// This one, as it's not present, will be deleted
// ['id' => 8, 'name' => 'Monitors'],
['id' => 9, 'name' => 'Cell Phones']
Category::buildTree($categories); // => true
The makeTree
instance method works in a similar fashion. The only difference
is that it will only perform operations on the descendants of the calling node instance.
So now imagine we already have the following hierarchy in the database:
- Electronics
- Health Fitness & Beaty
- Small Appliances
- Major Appliances
If we execute the following code:
$children = [
['name' => 'TV & Home Theather'],
['name' => 'Tablets & E-Readers'],
['name' => 'Computers', 'children' => [
['name' => 'Laptops', 'children' => [
['name' => 'PC Laptops'],
['name' => 'Macbooks (Air/Pro)']
['name' => 'Desktops'],
['name' => 'Monitors']
['name' => 'Cell Phones']
$electronics = Category::where('name', '=', 'Electronics')->first();
$electronics->makeTree($children); // => true
Would result in:
- Electronics
- TV & Home Theater
- Tablets & E-Readers
- Computers
- Laptops
- PC Laptops
- Macbooks (Air/Pro)
- Desktops
- Monitors
- Cell Phones
- Health Fitness & Beaty
- Small Appliances
- Major Appliances
Updating and deleting nodes from the subtree works the same way.
Misc/Utility functions
Node extraction query scopes
Baum provides some query scopes which may be used to extract (remove) selected nodes
from the current results set.
: Extracts the specified node from the current results set.withoutSelf()
: Extracts itself from the current results set.withoutRoot()
: Extracts the current root node from the results set.
$node = Category::where('name', '=', 'Some category I do not want to see.')->first();
$root = Category::where('name', '=', 'Old boooks')->first();
... // <- This result set will not contain $node
Get a nested list of column values
The ::getNestedList()
static method returns a key-value pair array indicating
a node's depth. Useful for silling select
elements, etc.
It expects the column name to return, and optionally: the column
to use for array keys (will use id
if none supplied) and/or a separator:
public static function getNestedList($column, $key = null, $seperator = ' ');
An example use case:
$nestedList = Category::getNestedList('name');
// $nestedList will contain an array like the following:
// array(
// 1 => 'Root 1',
// 2 => ' Child 1',
// 3 => ' Child 2',
// 4 => ' Child 2.1',
// 5 => ' Child 3',
// 6 => 'Root 2'
// );
如果你也想贡献自己的绵薄之力? 也许你发现了一些讨厌的bug? 你可以按照下面的方法来做。
- Fork & clone 项目:
git clone
。 - 运行测试,确定项目通过你的设置:
。 - 创建你的 bugfix/feature 分支并且把你的改动写入。 把测试写入改动当中。
- 确定所有测试都通过了:
. - 推送分支并且提交一个pull请求。
Please see the file for extended guidelines and/or recommendations.
Baum根据MIT License许可证的条款获得许可
最早由 Estanislau Trepat (etrepat) 编写。 这是他的twitter
@etrepat 。
本作品采用《CC 协议》,转载必须注明作者和本文链接
Baum 年代太过久远,个人倾向于使用 Laravel Nestedset
@Wi1dcard 嗯,看样子是好久远了,回头看看你这个。