2019-05-13-0001PHP 函数
1、array_change_key_case(array $array [int $case = CASE_LOWER]):array;
Returns an array with all keys from array lowercases or uppercased .Numbered indices are left as is.
-The array to work
-Either CASE_UPPER or CASE_LOWER(default)
-Retuen values
-Returns an array with its keys lower or uppercased, or FALSE if array is not an array.
-Throws E_WARNING if array is not an array.
-Example #1array_change_key_case() example
$input_array = array("FirSt" => 1, "SecOnd" => 4);\
print_r(array_change_key_case($input_array, CASE_UPPER));\
The above example will output:
[FIRST] => 1
[SECOND] => 4
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