



1、IP 数据管理框架

​​xdb​​ 支持亿级别的 IP 数据段行数,默认的 region 信息都固定了格式:​​国家|区域|省份|城市|ISP​​,缺省的地域信息默认是0。 region 信息支持完全自定义,例如:你可以在 region 中追加特定业务需求的数据,例如:GPS信息/国际统一地域信息编码/邮编等。也就是你完全可以使用 ipregion 来管理你自己的 IP 定位数据。


​​xdb​​ 格式生成程序会自动去重和压缩部分数据,默认的全部 IP 数据,生成的 ipregion.xdb 数据库是 11MiB,随着数据的详细度增加数据库的大小也慢慢增大。


即使是完全基于 ​​xdb​​ 文件的查询,单次查询响应时间在十微秒级别,可通过如下两种方式开启内存加速查询:

​​vIndex​​ 索引缓存 :使用固定的 ​​512KiB​​ 的内存空间缓存 vector index 数据,减少一次 IO 磁盘操作,保持平均查询效率稳定在10-20微秒之间。
​​xdb​​​ 整个文件缓存:将整个 ​​xdb​​​ 文件全部加载到内存,内存占用等同于 ​​xdb​​ 文件大小,无磁盘 IO 操作,保持微秒级别的查询效率。
到这:下载代码地址,在右边的“代码下载”下载插件代码,并在下面的代码附件下载 下载“xdb数据文件”解压后,复制ipregion.xdb文件到resource/static目录下。

  • 下载到的插件代码目录
    ├── plugin                       # 扩展插件目录
    │   ├── ipregion                # “ip地址解析属地区”目录文件夹
    │   │    ├── searcher.go       # 编写业务
    │   │    └── util.go           # 工具函数        
    │   └── ipregion.go             # “ip地址解析属地区”文件 用于app开发时调用
  • 其中代码插件源码:


// ---
// ipregion database v2.0 searcher.
// @Note this is a Not thread safe implementation.
// @Author gofly
// @Date   2024/08/19
package ipregion

import (

const (
    HeaderInfoLength      = 256
    VectorIndexRows       = 256
    VectorIndexCols       = 256
    VectorIndexSize       = 8
    SegmentIndexBlockSize = 14

// --- Index policy define

type IndexPolicy int

const (
    VectorIndexPolicy IndexPolicy = 1
    BTreeIndexPolicy  IndexPolicy = 2

func (i IndexPolicy) String() string {
    switch i {
    case VectorIndexPolicy:
        return "VectorIndex"
    case BTreeIndexPolicy:
        return "BtreeIndex"
        return "unknown"

// --- Header define

type Header struct {
    // data []byte
    Version       uint16
    IndexPolicy   IndexPolicy
    CreatedAt     uint32
    StartIndexPtr uint32
    EndIndexPtr   uint32

func NewHeader(input []byte) (*Header, error) {
    if len(input) < 16 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid input buffer")

    return &Header{
        Version:       binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(input),
        IndexPolicy:   IndexPolicy(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(input[2:])),
        CreatedAt:     binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(input[4:]),
        StartIndexPtr: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(input[8:]),
        EndIndexPtr:   binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(input[12:]),
    }, nil

// --- searcher implementation

type Searcher struct {
    handle *os.File

    // header info
    header  *Header
    ioCount int

    // use it only when this feature enabled.
    // Preload the vector index will reduce the number of IO operations
    // thus speedup the search process
    vectorIndex []byte

    // content buffer.
    // running with the whole xdb file cached
    contentBuff []byte

func baseNew(vIndex []byte, cBuff []byte) (*Searcher, error) {
    var err error
    path, _ := os.Getwd()
    dbFile := filepath.Join(path, "/resource/static/ipregion.xdb")
    // content buff first
    if cBuff != nil {
        return &Searcher{
            vectorIndex: nil,
            contentBuff: cBuff,
        }, nil

    // open the xdb binary file
    handle, err := os.OpenFile(dbFile, os.O_RDONLY, 0600)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &Searcher{
        handle:      handle,
        vectorIndex: vIndex,
    }, nil

func NewWithFileOnly() (*Searcher, error) {
    return baseNew(nil, nil)

func NewWithVectorIndex(vIndex []byte) (*Searcher, error) {
    return baseNew(vIndex, nil)

func NewWithBuffer(cBuff []byte) (*Searcher, error) {
    return baseNew(nil, cBuff)

func (s *Searcher) Close() {
    if s.handle != nil {
        err := s.handle.Close()
        if err != nil {

// GetIOCount return the global io count for the last search
func (s *Searcher) GetIOCount() int {
    return s.ioCount

// SearchByStr find the region for the specified ip string
func (s *Searcher) SearchByStr(str string) (string, error) {
    ip, err := CheckIP(str)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return s.Search(ip)

// Search find the region for the specified long ip
func (s *Searcher) Search(ip uint32) (string, error) {
    // reset the global ioCount
    s.ioCount = 0

    // locate the segment index block based on the vector index
    var il0 = (ip >> 24) & 0xFF
    var il1 = (ip >> 16) & 0xFF
    var idx = il0*VectorIndexCols*VectorIndexSize + il1*VectorIndexSize
    var sPtr, ePtr = uint32(0), uint32(0)
    if s.vectorIndex != nil {
        sPtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s.vectorIndex[idx:])
        ePtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s.vectorIndex[idx+4:])
    } else if s.contentBuff != nil {
        sPtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s.contentBuff[HeaderInfoLength+idx:])
        ePtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s.contentBuff[HeaderInfoLength+idx+4:])
    } else {
        // read the vector index block
        var buff = make([]byte, VectorIndexSize)
        err := s.read(int64(HeaderInfoLength+idx), buff)
        if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("read vector index block at %d: %w", HeaderInfoLength+idx, err)

        sPtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buff)
        ePtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buff[4:])

    // fmt.Printf("sPtr=%d, ePtr=%d", sPtr, ePtr)

    // binary search the segment index to get the region
    var dataLen, dataPtr = 0, uint32(0)
    var buff = make([]byte, SegmentIndexBlockSize)
    var l, h = 0, int((ePtr - sPtr) / SegmentIndexBlockSize)
    for l <= h {
        m := (l + h) >> 1
        p := sPtr + uint32(m*SegmentIndexBlockSize)
        err := s.read(int64(p), buff)
        if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("read segment index at %d: %w", p, err)

        // decode the data step by step to reduce the unnecessary operations
        sip := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buff)
        if ip < sip {
            h = m - 1
        } else {
            eip := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buff[4:])
            if ip > eip {
                l = m + 1
            } else {
                dataLen = int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(buff[8:]))
                dataPtr = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buff[10:])

    //fmt.Printf("dataLen: %d, dataPtr: %d", dataLen, dataPtr)
    if dataLen == 0 {
        return "", nil

    // load and return the region data
    var regionBuff = make([]byte, dataLen)
    err := s.read(int64(dataPtr), regionBuff)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("read region at %d: %w", dataPtr, err)

    return string(regionBuff), nil

// do the data read operation based on the setting.
// content buffer first or will read from the file.
// this operation will invoke the Seek for file based read.
func (s *Searcher) read(offset int64, buff []byte) error {
    if s.contentBuff != nil {
        cLen := copy(buff, s.contentBuff[offset:])
        if cLen != len(buff) {
            return fmt.Errorf("incomplete read: readed bytes should be %d", len(buff))
    } else {
        _, err := s.handle.Seek(offset, 0)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("seek to %d: %w", offset, err)

        rLen, err := s.handle.Read(buff)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("handle read: %w", err)

        if rLen != len(buff) {
            return fmt.Errorf("incomplete read: readed bytes should be %d", len(buff))

    return nil


package ipregion

import (

// 工具函数
var shiftIndex = []int{24, 16, 8, 0}

func CheckIP(ip string) (uint32, error) {
    var ps = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(ip), ".")
    if len(ps) != 4 {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid ip address `%s`", ip)

    var val = uint32(0)
    for i, s := range ps {
        d, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
        if err != nil {
            return 0, fmt.Errorf("the %dth part `%s` is not an integer", i, s)

        if d < 0 || d > 255 {
            return 0, fmt.Errorf("the %dth part `%s` should be an integer bettween 0 and 255", i, s)

        val |= uint32(d) << shiftIndex[i]

    // convert the ip to integer
    return val, nil



import (    

在接口业务中使用, data, err := plugin.NewIpRegion(ip),调用NewIpRegion()方法即可解析出IP归属地信息,代码如下:

// get请求获取ip属地
func (api *Iptest) GetIpRegion(c *gf.GinCtx) {
    ip := c.DefaultQuery("ip", "")
    data, err := plugin.NewIpRegion(ip)


我们添加一个接口测试调用data, err := plugin.NewIpRegion(ip) 返回数据为:中国|0|云南省|昆明市|移动 ,如下图:

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