laravel常用代码库:同一个字段 关联了 2个表(主副表-结构完全一致) 进行存在判断匹配查询
我需要进行搜索,其中 名字 手机号,需要查询两个表. 这是关联了两个表出来的数据
同一个字段 关联了 2个表(主副表-结构完全一致) 进行存在判断匹配查询
// 同一个字段 关联了 2个表(主副表-结构完全一致) 进行存在判断匹配查询
// add by bobo 2021-01-07
// ->where("subject_name", "LIKE", "%$subject_name%");
if (!empty($subject_name)) {
$query->whereHas('subjectInfo', function (Builder $query) use ($subject_name){
$query->Where('subject_name', 'like', "%$subject_name%");
// 查询条件附带从库
$query->orWhereHas('channel_subjectInfo', function (Builder $query) use ($subject_name){
// 前方一个是 wherehas 实际上是转为了 = b.a_id
// 下面如果是or 那就变成 或者条件 这里实际上必须是and
$query->where('subject_name', 'like', "%$subject_name%");
if (!empty($subject_phone_num)) {
$query->whereHas('subjectInfo', function (Builder $query) use ($subject_phone_num){
$query->where('phone', 'like', "%$subject_phone_num%");
// 查询条件附带从库
$query->orWhereHas('channel_subjectInfo', function (Builder $query) use ($subject_phone_num){
$query->where('phone', 'like', "%$subject_phone_num%");
sql 语句– 查询 手机号
select * from `subject_follow_up` where exists (select * from `subjects` where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `subjects`.`id` and `phone` like 8) or exists (select * from `channel_subjects` where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `channel_subjects`.`id` or (`phone` like 8)) order by `follow_up_at` asc limit 800000 offset 0
sql 语句– 查询 名字
select * from `subject_follow_up` where exists (select * from `subjects` where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `subjects`.`id` and (`subject_name` like '%2%')) or exists (select * from `channel_subjects` where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `channel_subjects`.`id` and `subject_name` like '%2%') order by `follow_up_at` asc limit 100000 offset 0
解释 wherehas 中的 where 与 orwhere
前方一个是 wherehas 实际上是转为了 = b.a_id
下面如果是or 那就变成 或者条件 这里实际上必须是and
select * from `subject_follow_up` where exists (select * from `subjects` where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `subjects`.`id` or `phone` like 8) or exists (select * from `channel_subjects` where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `channel_subjects`.`id` or (`phone` like 8)) order by `follow_up_at` asc limit 800000 offset 0
我们单独抽出来 wherehas的关联查询来看看
select * from `subjects`,subject_follow_up where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `subjects`.`id` or `phone` like 8
我们发现,phone 不是8 也出来了
where 结果:
select * from `subjects`,subject_follow_up where `subject_follow_up`.`subject_id` = `subjects`.`id` and `phone` like 8
wherehas 就是 where exists
where 是and
orwhere 是or
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同在上海 、同样在做,医疗信息化系统。方便交流一下嘛
@xiaogui 加我啊.看私聊